PSG Funding
Generate leads & drive higher conversion rates on your Website with the NEW 50% PSG Digital Marketing Funding Support!

Are you looking to scale up your Digital Presence? Grow your business with a strategic Digital Marketing plan today! With the unique campaigns created for your business by our Digital Strategist team, you will be able to reach new and existing customers, generate a plan to increase leads, sales or web traffic with Google & Facebook Ads.

Here at Corsiva Lab, our Digital Marketing team will help you to deliver the right message to the right group of customers at the right time and ensure that your marketing plan is aligned with your budget. As a pre-approved PSG vendor, you will get to enjoy 50% funding for your Digital Marketing campaigns. Speak to one of our Digital Marketing team today to find out more!

Types of Digital Marketing Campaigns

Reach your ideal audience with optimised campaigns via Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) & Social Media Marketing (SMM) and convert them into customers with us. Take your first step into Digital Marketing with Corsiva Lab today.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Search Engine Optimisaiton (SEO) is a process of improving your Website's content & structure to increase organic visibility when customers search for keywords related to your business. SEO comprises of two key components - On Site Optimization and Off Site Optimization. On Site Optimization is a practice of optimizing content & technical components of your Website while Off Site Optimization refers to actions taken outside of your Website to impact your rankings (For example: backlink building strategies). At Corsiva Lab, our SEO packages covers all areas required to scale your Website's ranking on Google's Search Engine.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) refers to all marketing activities that utilises search engine technology for digital marketing purposes. Commonly known as Pay-per-Click (PPC) ads, these ads comes in a variety of formats such as text based ads or product listing ads. A huge advantage that SEM offers is that your business will experience an immediate increase in website visibility on search engines such as Google when potential customers search for keywords related to your business. This will lead to high conversion rates as customers that are searching on search engines will have higher purchase intent.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a cost effective strategy that allows your business to stay connected to new & existing customers via platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and many more. To help your business excel in Social Media Marketing our Digital Strategist team will craft a unique strategy for both organic & paid postings on Social Media platforms that are relevant to your business. Furthermore, our team will also identify relevant target audiences that are ready to purchase and design attractive digital assets to achieve high conversion rates.

About the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)

Helping Businesses Go Digital

Aligning with efforts to help Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) grow through digitalisation, the Singapore government launched the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) encouraging businesses to adopt digital productivity solutions.

Living in a fast-growing digital age, it is imperative for businesses to adapt and move towards digital platforms. As such, PSG aims to support companies, enhance existing processes through information technology, improving on their businesses' overall efficiency and effectiveness

Being a pre-approved vendor, our team at Corsiva Lab has the edge in helping your business transition right away! We offer 5 packages that you can choose from, making sure your business gets exactly what it needs.

Requirements of PSG Grant

Am I Eligible For The PSG Grant?

Are you keen on adopting a Digital Marketing package to scale up your business?

To apply for the PSG Grant, you are required to fulfill these conditions:

  • Registered and Operating in Singapore
  • Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding; with Company's Group annual sales turnover less than S$100 million, OR less than 200 employers (for selected solutions only)

Does your business fit these requirements? Schedule a consultation now!

Our Packages

At Corsiva Lab, we offer 5 Pre-Approved Digital Marketing packages to help your business scale up its digital presence.

Enquire with us today for a consultation session and our in-house experts will recommend you a Digital Marketing package that is best suited for your business needs.

Kickstart a Project with Us



We’d love to understand more about your business & Digital Marketing objective! Arrange a consultation with us and our consultants will share recommendations on the type of digital marketing campaigns that will suit your business best.



Our team will guide you through the grant application process. Once the paperwork is completed, submit it through the Business Grant Portal.


Onboard, Launch &
Optimise Your

Upon grant approval, our in-house team will provide a detailed Digital Marketing Needs Analysis & Strategy Development report. Thereafter, we will launch your Digital Marketing campaigns and optimise them regularly to achieve the best ROI for your business.


PSG Claim

Once your campaign period is completed, we will
prepare the required documents for you to
process your claims.

Take your first step into Digital Marketing with Corsiva Lab and enjoy 50% PSG funding!

Why Work With Us

Experienced Team

With an in-house team of 90+ people, our team has a wide variety of experience working with SMEs & MNCs from different industries across Singapore. Tap onto our experience to ensure that your Digital Marketing campaign achieves high conversion rates and serves as a boost for your business.

Tailored Digital Marketing

We believe in carrying out in depth research & competitor analysis to structure a tailored Digital Marketing strategy for each client. Our proposed strategy aims to drive a regular stream of leads & conversions on your Website.

Prompt Response Rate

Keeping a close relationship to all our clients is a core value at Corsiva Lab. Be it pre or post project, we dedicate an account manager for every project to ensure ease of communication, prompt response and quality service delivery.

Quality Assurance

We take pride in ensuring that our clients benefits from our Digital Marketing services. In an unfortunate event that a client is unsatisfied, we have a proper conflict management framework that our company adopts to ensure any potential issues will be resolved.

Our Work Process

How We Create a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign Tailored For Your Business

Our Customers